
Recent Entries

February 11, 2005

1000 things I never did ...

1000 things I never did in Mumbai.

Never chewed paan at a streetside corner. Never bought gold sandals from a chappal vendor. Never got around to drinking fresh sugarcane juice, that pale green nectar rich with froth, sold by the guys whose ancient metal presses jangle with sound of tiny bells.

Never took a head massage at Chowpatty by moonlight, never saw morning break over Mumbai harbour. Never watched a Bollywood blockbuster on opening night.

Never picked up a sad, stray puppy that was too little to be alone.

Never saw the inside of CST station. Never debated the city's name change with a local. Never saw Film City; never been an extra in a movie either.

Never rode in a battered, charming public bus with no room for standing, let alone breathing.

Never bought books from a guy whose collection spills onto the pavement and down the street, looming impressively under the tangled branches of an ancient tree.

Never went to the Laughing Club to exercise my lungs and my soul.

Next time, next time ...

Posted by Tiffany on February 11, 2005 08:06 PM
Category: India
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