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November 24, 2003


How do they DO that???

This was a common question Ant and I would ask when we were walking around the erotic temples complex in Khajaraho. You would be amazed at the flexibility at some of these guys and chickies... it's no wonder they're into yoga. There were some scenes where the two people (if it was limited to just two) were "assisted" into their particular positions. In some cases, it was just a plain big orgy free for all. And yet that didn't take the cake. Nope, there was a warrior gettin' it on with a horse. The horse didn't look very pleased and Ant suggested that maybe it was the warrior's superior officer's horse. :)

There was one frieze we read about in our guide that we were so disappointed we didn't find. It was described like this, "Keep an eye out for the rather dismayed looking elephant in the bottom-most frieze, just around the corner to the left as you face the entrance. The frieze depicts the unfortunate way in which one hard-up soldier found that their parts fit together." We were dismayed we didn't find it!!

Besides seeing intimate sex scenes, there were other everyday scenes as well. On different temples we saw a woman picking thorns out of her foot, putting on makeup, loads of dancers, women getting groped, battle scenes, ya know, the usual stuff. They were very beautifully carved though, and it looked like they were going to move off the wall.

With that, I will let you enjoy a few images (not mine, but I have plenty so fear not young grasshoppers) and let you form your own opinions on the erotic temples of Khajarajo. Now go practice your tantric yoga!!!

Pose 1

Orgy 1

You tell me

Posted by Claudia on November 24, 2003 01:23 AM
Category: India

wow! I guess it was those forbidden episodes of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN that influenced you to see such smut. Who were the models and what were the artists thinking? Forget it, I think I know.
Reminds me of PASSAGE TO INDIA by Forrester. The main character got quite steamy after her visit to the caves.

Posted by: mom on November 24, 2003 04:27 PM

Oh that's right, they that Indian guy gets accused (I forget what happened) of raping her or something like that?? This wasn't caves, this was a big grouping of temples.

I wondered who the models were as well.....

Posted by: Claudia on November 26, 2003 12:50 AM

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