Hill Tribes Chiang Mai
February 22nd, 2006Well I beginning to think no one is reading any of my posts. If you don’t know how to leave any comments just click on the comments button at the end of a post. So yesterday and the day before I went to see Doi Ithian National Park and the Hmong tribe that live there and then yesterday teh Karen tribe. There are many different tribes in the north of Thailand. I can’t remember what they told us expect that the Hmong are from China and the Karen I beleive are from Tibet. Don’y quote me. I have links on the side to some of the tribes found in Thailand. Anyway the kind of trecks I did if you can call them that were not great. I choose to do 2 one day trips because I thought it would be less cheap and not as complicated. The national park was lovely but to see the tribes was sad. The first day we saw them weaving which was noce but basically these tribes exist for the toursits. Around 10 tour buses a day go through these villages its sad. Yesterday was the worst when we went up to the Golden Triange which is called this because you can see the Loas and Mynamar (Burma) border. They all converge at the Mekong River. That was lovely to see and we saw a huge golden Buddha which was also very pretty. When we went to see the two tribes yesyerday they were very pushy in trying top sell stuff. They had some traditional crafts and then other stuff which was imported from China or was Thai. The kids were coming up to us and begging for us to buy a braclet. The woman were begging us to take a picture of them and their kids for 10 Baht. Very sad. You can take treks that are 1-7 days. Had I done that it probably wouldn’t have been as bad. Personally most of these tribes are still around do to tourism. I suppose even on a treck its not much different except you sleep with the tribe 1 night and they get most of the money. The Karen tribe with the long necks still do that practice because of us. It is outlawed but do to tourism the women still add gold chain links to their necks. Very sad. I didn’t see them luckely. I guess you live and learn. no? Oh I do have to say I saw some nice waterfalls but nothing like Yosemite.