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August 24, 2004


Well, we're here and it's been very interesting so far...

We arrived on Thursday evening, about midnight. We took an express bus to an area a few streets away from our hostel, Suk 11. Neither of us could believe that we found it, thinking back. But we did. For the next five days, we toured Bangkok, visited with Cynthia and Andrew, who are friends of friends and who have lived in Bangkok for four years. It was great to visit with them and they helped us get a better idea of what to do and more importantly, what to eat and how to order it!

We spent one day at the Chatuchak weekend market, which is a huge open air market where you can buy just about anything, including squirrels on leashes.

We took a public river taxi to the tourist sites which was a very cool ride and a great experience. We saw huge barges filled with boxes of Pepsi, longtail boats with massive engines hanging off the back.

We did a day of the Grand Palace and the Wat Pho to see the reclining Budda. This Buddha is huge, covered in gold leaf and was really impressive. The feet were inlaid with mother of pearl.

We stayed in Bangkok for five nights and then took a 7 1/2 hour bus ride to Sukhothai, to see the historical park which has the ancient imperial capital.

We should have some photos and more stories soon, as we are still getting used to everything internet here, which is slower and more cumbersome than we expected! (Can you believe that!).

Generally, the heat has been a challenge for us. We generally do a few things in the morning and then nap in the afternoon then go out to find dinner. We are trying to be patient and learn how to barter (not very successfully). The people have been friendly, but not overly so. We have both been trying to be on our best behavior, but nonetheless, have managed to step on a couple of toes.

Overall, our impressions of this new way of life and Thailand have been good and we are looking forward to our next bit of travels....Thanks everyone for tuning in!

Posted by Matt & Robin on August 24, 2004 08:58 PM
Category: Southeast Asia

I am excited to follow your adventures around Asia. Keep the stories coming. Remember if you get to a place where you see no tourists, then you have found the right spot!



Posted by: Donovan on August 25, 2004 09:54 AM

Wow, sounds like you've hit the ground running. Squirrels on leashes!!! What a world. And that must've been some bus ride. How are you liking the different foods?

Posted by: nathaniel weinham on August 25, 2004 02:42 PM

Isn't it strange that we find squirrels on leashes more facinating than even enormous gold buddhas? Glad to hear your adventure has started well. I look forward to "tuning in" when I can. Work is in a bit of a lull this week (thankfully so!), but this is our last weekend to pull everything together for the big event! Pam is helping assemble table gifts on Sat...

Posted by: Darci on August 25, 2004 04:28 PM

Glad to here you've arrived safely. Great to read about all you've done and seen. Is the Thai food great? Keep us up-to-date on your adventures.

Posted by: Pam on August 25, 2004 05:15 PM

Mmm... Squirrels on leashes. Sounds delicious. Is that like pigs in a blanket?
Have fun guys, and keep us posted...

Posted by: Josh on August 26, 2004 03:03 AM

Y'all are great!!!! We are having some technical difficulties posting
photos, but we should have it ironed out shortly.....Please stand by!

M & R

Posted by: us on August 26, 2004 04:21 AM

I realize that everyone has commented about the squirrels, but I was just wondering if it is too much to ask for you to bring one back for us? You don't have to bring one for each of us, just one lil' guy and we will rotate walking/feeding responsibilities? If not, then that is fine, but don't think that I will be appeased by a mere postcard knowing that a squirrel on a leash was an option ;)
glad that you guys are having a great trip! thanks for keeping us updated. have fun. be careful!

Posted by: Shelley on August 26, 2004 10:51 AM

If I dress up as a squirrel will you take me on walks? I have a bee outfit, would that work?

Posted by: George the pug on August 27, 2004 03:33 PM

Glad you guys are surviving the heat and having a good time!

We're all anxiously awaiting the photos! Is there a way we can send you photos too?

Posted by: Pamster on August 27, 2004 03:36 PM

glad you did not pursue the elephants you two would of looked like mice next to them also i am happy my advice to you was adhered to

Posted by: momanddad on August 31, 2004 05:34 PM

I knew you guys would come up with a very fitting name for the grasshopper. Riley is perfect! :)
I'm very glad to know that you've arrived safely and that the adventures have begun. Can't wait to read more!

Posted by: keira on September 4, 2004 12:12 PM
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