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August 03, 2004

Pre-Trip FAQ

Here is our Pre Trip FAQ, to answer some of those pressing questions.....

When are you leaving and what's the first stop?
We are leaving August 18th and Bangkok, Thailand is the first stop.

Where are you planning on visiting?
We are planning to go to Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, and Eastern and Western Europe.

Are you worried about your safety?
We can't wait to learn what others are like and have them see what we, as Americans are like. Yes, safety is always a factor, but it's just as important in Portland, Oregon or Albany, New York as it is in New Delhi, India.

Are you coming back to Portland, Oregon when you are done?
Yes, we love Portland and are planning on moving back to our house when the adventure is over.

What about your careers?
Careers, what careers? We hope that we will be even more in demand after employers hear of our ability to keep fifteen exchange rates in our head; navigate train schedules and communicate basic needs in all sorts of situations. As a land use planner, Robin is using the trip as an independent study opportunity.

Where did you get the idea to do this?
It's amazing what a few shots of tequila will do. Seriously, we started by reading an article in the travel section of the Oregonian in 2000 about a couple that did it and decided that if they could, we could. The rest has been a lot of reading and talking to fellow travelers.

What are you bringing with you?
See our entry, "What we're bringing."

How are you voting?
We've spoken with Multnomah County Board of Elections and they explained that we can vote from any embassy, using a blank ballot and then filling in what we need to. This is an important election so we hope our vote gets back to the US to COUNT!

Have you heard of anything crazier than travelling the world?
Yes, friends of ours, Sean and Jasonwere a part of the Popemobile, an entry in the recent Red Bull Flugtag event in Portland. They launched themselves off a 30 foot tall platform into the Willamette River. Now that's crazy!

How can we hear more about your travels?
Stay tuned to this site. We hope it gets more interesting than this!

Posted by Matt & Robin on August 3, 2004 10:19 PM
TrackBack | Category: RTW Trip Planning

Hey Matt & Robin, I'm glad you two are going abroad representing these here United States. You're both great folks and I'm sure you'll be great ambasadors as well. Keep us posted!
nat weinham

Posted by: nathaniel weinham on August 8, 2004 01:42 PM

We look forward to following your travels. I hung up a world map in our playroom and plan to teach Kai and Sam a little geography as we track your course. Bon Voyage!

Posted by: greta hilbourne on August 9, 2004 10:55 AM

Hey guys, this is really cool. My frst time visiting a blog! I'll keep checking this in hopes of seeing some great photos.



Posted by: sean bistoff on August 9, 2004 12:49 PM

I can't believe the trip is finally here!!
Look forward to following your amazing journey. Travel safe and know that your Portland friends anxiously await your return.
Have fun!


Posted by: lisa pierantozzi on August 15, 2004 09:05 PM

Only go to an embassy to exercise your right to vote if you're voting the Democratic ticket - or at least against the present administration.

Posted by: Pam on August 17, 2004 06:26 PM
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