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June 21, 2004

So, you have a few questions....

Where are you planning on visiting?

We are planning to go to Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, Eastern Europe and Western Europe.

Are you worried about your safety?

We feel like it is even more important than ever to get out there and travel, if only to show ourselves and others what we are all like. Yes, safety is always a factor, but it’s just as important in Portland, Oregon or Albany, New York as it is in New Delhi, India.

Are you coming back to Portland, Oregon when you are done?

Yes, we love Portland and are planning on moving back to our house when the adventure is over.

What about your careers?

We hope that we will be even more in demand after employers hear of our ability to keep fifteen exchange rates in our head; navigate train schedules and communicate basic needs in all sorts of situations. As a land use planner, Robin is using the trip as an independent study opportunity.

Where did you get the idea to do this?

It’s amazing what a few shots of tequila will do. Seriously, we started by reading an article in the travel section of the Oregonian in 2000 about a couple that did it and decided that if they could, we could. The rest has been a lot of reading and talking to fellow travelers.

Posted by Matt & Robin on June 21, 2004 10:13 PM
Category: Pre Trip FAQ
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