This Blog Is Coming Back To Life!
I kind of forgot about this blog for months and months, but it’s coming back to life now!
I have some definite and some tentative travel plans for the next few months. They are:
- Definite: A few days in Gatlinburg, Tennessee with my parents next week. Should be fun, if not all that exciting. They have an ice rink there! I love ice skating.
- Tentative: A month in Guatemala this summer (probably mid-June to mid-July) by myself studying Spanish! Despite this taking most of my savings, I really, really hope that it works out. I want to improve my Spanish this summer, and Guatemala is the most inexpensive Spanish-speaking country in which to do so at a language school that I’ve found. Probably something in Antigua, though of course I haven’t worked out the details yet.
- Definite: A week in early August at Hilton Head with my entire extended family for a family reunion. This should be nice, to see people I don’t usually see, even if I am not the biggest fan of Hilton Head.
- Tentative: A few days-a week in Toronto with my dad. He’ll be on a business trip, and I’ll be checking out the University of Toronto. This will probably be in early June or late July.
- Tentative: In the next six months or so, I will probably visit Washington, DC and/or Miami, Florida to check out various universities.
So, look forward to my chronicling my adventures here!
Tags: antigua, canada, dc, definite plans, florida, gatlinburg, guatemala, hilton head, language school, miami, ontario, Plans, south carolina, spanish, tennessee, tentative plans, toronto, Travel, university of toronto, washington
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