So here I am
Monday, January 26th, 2009Hi, Im Richard. I could go on to tell you about my life, my past and hopes and dreams, but no one is here to read that and I dont think im even here to write that. This is about freedom and I must allow myself to carry that into my writing to avoid cliched paragraphs on how I got sick of a 9-5 and grew tedious of my countries failure to protect my investment in education. Freedom needs to forget about such things and even though I am writing this from my office desk, looking out at the thousands who perform like circus animals on thier daily lunchtime show to the sandwhich shop and back, its already in the past. Im 26 years old and by the time this blog is over I may well be 28 or 29, I may never finish it or I may not get the chance to grow old but at least I can smile and say I tried.
So here goes