The Long Wait
Wednesday, August 24th, 200522 August 2005 (Monday) – Tucacas to Valencia to Merida, Venezuela
When I reached the highway to try and catch a local bus back to Valencia, I was shocked at the huge crowd waiting there, lugging their luggage and their babies. Gosh, there was no queue, whatsoever. It seemed when a bus came, the crowd would surge to the door of the bus. But, most of the time, many were turned away as there were not enough seats. So, bus after bus, they came and went, picking up only a handful of people each time. The crowd surged, some managed to climb on and most moved off to wait some more. I looked around me, wondering how long I would have to wait before I get a chance on a bus.
But it was not too long, it turned out. When the crowd moved away from a bus, I picked my way in and asked if I could get on. The guy just let me through. Phew. I clearly did not understand why the rest of the people did not get on. Perhaps, they were looking for buses with seats. Tough luck!
Anyway, once I got to Valencia and bought the bus-ticket to Merida, I had the entire day to kill as my bus was leaving at 9pm. Valencia’s bus terminal looked very dodgy and some people back in Tucacas had warned me about Valencia city being dangerous. So, one of my very few options was to take a taxi to a shopping mall and hang around there til evening, before heading back. Which is what I did. It was a boring mall. In the end, I fell asleep at the food centre in the shopping mall. How utterly embarrassing!
However, back at the bus terminal, it was coming to 9pm when a guy came in and asked those of us who were going to Merida if we wanted to upgrade from our executive bus to a buscama from another bus company, which is a bus with semi-beds for seats. He promised us his company’s bus would leave at 9:45pm, which was not that much later. I have no idea what was going on as he was obviously poaching customers from this company, but the employee from this company had indicated us to him. Perhaps, they wanted to resell our tickets to other people. Anyway, there were 5 of us and we all agreed.
Sheesh, what a mistake! This other company’s bus came from Caracas and our bus did not arrive until 11pm. Then, of course, due to some mistakes with tickets or whatever, there were some heated arguments and checking and rechecking of tickets and money. We did not leave til 11:30pm. What a long wait to get out of Valencia!
Remember I had said that when Brazilians travel on Brazilian night buses, they bring along their pillows. Well, when the Venezuelans travel on Venezuelan night buses, they bring along their entire winter-gear, from gloves to woollen hats to fleece jackets to warm blanket. Yes, it is always WINTER in Venezuelan buses! Crazy blasting air-conditioners! Frrrrreeeezzzzzing cold!