How did I get the idea + RTW ppl
Sunday, September 27th, 2009As a matter of fact I have always liked to travel. I have alway enjoyed spending time in nature, watching trees, mountains, oceans and deserts. New sounds, views, tastes and smells change us, expand our horizons. Everyone must agree that there is something exciting in what is unknown to us, right? :)
The idea came to my head don’t remember when and don’t remember how. Whatever the case might be it was more then 2 years ago, I guess. It’s quite possible that I already spoke about it with my very good friend Maciej Pinkowski when we were on our way to Ukraine for the New Years Eve ’08. Subsequent trip to Alaska aimed, inter alia, to save some money, which unfortunately didn’t work (because of trip to Mexico and NYC), however some of the earning I invested in a gear that I’m taking with me.
As I mentioned in the previous entry, there was more eager to go. I think that 4-ppl crew is an optimum. For sure it would be funnier, safer, and even if while hitchhiking we could separate into twos.When there is a group of 3 the situation is still good, but it could be a problem with finding accommodation amend people from the Hospitality Club/CouchSurfing
Whatever the case Tom and I will manage without any bigger incidents…we will have to :)
Some people may think that this kind if trip is a madness. Actually I’ve already faced with this opinion. The fact is that among Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks or Yankees ‘gap year’ or other is pretty popular form of spending holidays…long holidays.
Since several months I’ve been getting into the swing of reading many travel blogs. It is unbelievable how many people travel the world. At least I haven’t realized until now. The number of visitors to Huayna Picchu is limited to 400 per day – that means something. Moreover, China wants to restrict the number of climbers on Mount Everest (Article 1, Article 2). The highest mountain in the world is not challenging anymore, everyone can do it…
The decision about going around the world is made, proper actions has been taken. We won’t regret :)