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Archive for July, 2009

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Trouble Down Under

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

I feel like such a doof–I was crossing the street this morning and I almost bit it on the curb. I didn’t step up far enough and with my backpack on, I almost did a faceplant. Then I went to use the drinking fountain. I pushed the button and just as I did, a gust of ocean air blew the entire stream of water all over the front of my shorts. It definitely looked like I didn’t make it to the little bloke’s room in time. Oh well. No worries. The sun is out and it’s gorgeous! Tomorrow I head out for Fraser Island! Because of my bus schedule I’m going to miss the morning briefing so I am just going to hop onto the 4×4 without a clue as to what is going on. I won’t be driving anyway because it is a standard and apparently Fraser is infamous for being difficult to drive on. The vehicle gets stuck in the sand and everyone has to use shovels to dig it out. Hopefully, the person who drives will be smart enough to safely navigate. And hopefully they speak English so that they can respond to my backseat driver instructions.

Hang Ten, Mate!

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

Today I went surfing and had a blast! The sun finally came out just before I headed out of my hostel to meet the surfing bus (it had rained koalas and wallabies all night and into morning). A van pulled up to the entrance with a driver that had dried out long blonde hair. He was on the cell phone but motioned with that surfer signal (thumb and pinky out) to get into the back. He got off the phone and said “Hey MATE! Howeryagoin’?!,” which, by now, I’ve figured means “how are you?”. He introduced his dog, Spot, who accompanies him on every surf lesson. We pulled back out into the drive and flew around and picked up 6 more people. The driver told us we had better start talking and being louder or else he would force us to play a ridiculous game that involved dancing. Prompted by the example moves he did, we all started talking and I found out that two girls were from Brazil, one guy was from Australia, one from England, and a couple from the Netherlands. We arrived at Lennox Point which is known for its sick waves.

We unloaded from the bus and I immediately started slathering on the sunscreen, not wanting to join the thousands and thousands of Australians who have skin cancer–they have highest rate in the world! We got into our wetsuits after lots of wincing and squirming. If you ever want to know how a sausage must feel, try one out. We went down to the beach and I could see that the water was quite rough…and I’m not an expert. The stretching routine started and then we did a jog, then held hands and skipped and then stretched some more. We learned about rips and currents and how to handle the board and how not to drown and how to fall. Matt (the teacher and driver, conveniently) held up a jellyfish and I assumed it was a fake one that he uses everytime but no–he was like “you build immunity to them after being around them for years and years, but if you guys get stung, it will just kill for about 20 minutes until I can get some hot water on it.” They were called blue bottle jellyfish because, surprise of all surprises, they look like little blue bottles when floating on the water. Matt taught us the five steps to getting up on the surf board. PADDLE, PADDLE, PADDLE, hands in, push up, rear foot up, twist and stand with front arm out. It was pretty easy, despite the long description, and we all got the hang of it after tens of times.

We headed out into the water and Matt came around to us one by one and helped us get turned around. If the wave wasn’t right, he would yell “take a breath” and then on the next one he’d say “READYYYYYYY…PADDLE PADDLE PADDLE. UP!”. And on the first one, I got up. I was up for a few seconds and then fell backwards, the safest way to fall. My butt hit the bottom and I got back out into the waves and rode quite a few. Everything was going well but then the waves started getting more frequent and tall. I got pulled under twice and I don’t think I have ever swallowed so much ocean water. My eyes stung a little and I felt like I had just downed a salt shaker. We headed in because it was so rough and we ate oranges on the beach. We showered off our wetsuits and then unpeeled them from our clamy bodies. The photographer, who captured all the highs and lows of our surfing training, showed us a slideshow and then told us the CD of pictures would be $25 dollars. I said “no thanks” although some of my pictures were priceless!

Bunkin’ Up

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
Yesterday I was kind of in limbo all day because I left Jayd's house and had booked a bus to Byron Bay for the next day. So I walked around the South Bank of Brisbane which is a boardwalk that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hold On, I Have 300mL of Sand in My Thongs

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
Hahaha...yeah, Australians call flip-flops "thongs". I absolutely cannot get used to it. My friend, Jayd, says that "thong" singular usually means the undergarment but plural is the footwear. They also call cotton candy "fairy floss" and Burger King is "Hungry ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hello? Anyone Home?

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
I arrived on North Stradbroke Island ("Straddie" they call it) on Monday evening. I took a train, which took an hour, then a bus, which took 5 minutes, then a ferry which took 40 minutes. It was a long way ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Fruit Bats Are As Big As Your Head

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
I was walking out of my hostel accommodations early this morning and as I was walking up the street, I heard this bird making interesting noises somewhere up in the distance. I thought to myself, "Oh...maybe it's a Kookaburra!!!". I ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Stars Keep Following Me!

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
G'day! I have to update you on what happened on my second day in the Sydney area. I took the bus to Bondi Beach, which is a world famous beach just outside Sydney. It certainly lived up to all the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Start of Australia Trip

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
It took so long to get here its ridiculous...and I didn't even have any long layovers. When they call it the "land down under" I now know for sure why they call it that. First of all, I shared two plane ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hello World Traveller!

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009
Welcome to BootsnAll Travel Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!