BootsnAll Travel Network

Mar 9-15: Mui Ne


Pleasant surprise -the trip was to be 4 hours and guess what – the bus type was a sleeper bus.  Everyone had their own “bed” for the trip.  Vietnam has this sleeper bus figured out unlike Malaysia and Thailand where the seats go back like a plane – not very comfortable like these Vietnam overnight buses.


The southern coast of Vietnam reminds me of california coast at times.


Mui Ne (moo-ey- nay)– Josh writing:  Lucky for us the bus we were riding in was a sleeper bus. We didn’t pay for a sleeper bus, but oh well, who is going to complain? When we first got to Mui Ne, it was hot, hotter than Nha Trang, even in the shade. We sat for an hour or so while Mom and Dad went to look for a hotel. They found a good one, and yet cheap for its quality. The hotel was right on the beach and it had good A/C and a clean bathroom (the 2 most important things in Asia). First thing we did was go for a swim (obviously). Then Dad and I went to talk to the kite surfing shops/schools about lessons. They were expensive, but it was definitely worth it.  So the next day was  the kiting class. One thing I’ve learned from that (other than how to kite board) is that Mother Nature always wins. The wind is so strong! Reason is, I was “tea bagged” by the water! If u like tea, that may make sense. What I’m saying is that my kite lifted me out of the water and flung me back into it………..5 times. WAS NOT very fun. But the rest of the class went well. I finally got up on my board, but my Dad didn’t, but I had one more lesson (hour) than he did. The beach is good, the road isn’t too busy and there are plenty of restaurants. I thought that Mui Nie was awesome.

Tim Writing:  as a beach resort, this was the best!  The beach went for miles like a california coastline.  You then had the resorts or hotels, then the road, then the restaurants.  You also were not hassled by touts constantly to buy things.  This coastline is known for its kiteboarding and windsurfing. There was also an internationally known golf course (including night golfing)- very tempting for me, but in watching everyone out there having fun on the water, Josh and I decided to take  kiteboarding lessons – a beginner course was 5 hours.  To summarize – Josh did get up and had about 3 runs over 300 meters long (he did have an extra hour); I, well, did not get up on the board – but with an extra hour I probably would have.  I  think we are hooked to continue back in the US.  Josh’s instructor and myself were psyched that he was able to get up and ride.  This area is known to be one of the hardest in the world to learn on due to the waves and wind – we were training one day in 25 knot wind – no wonder I did not get up on the board.  We were here 7 days and thoroughly enjoyed the time – except the kids had to do homework everyday.  Outside of beach and surf and pool (mainly the girls) we did rent motorbikes and take a tour of the countryside to see white and red sand dunes (and to slide down them).  The road ran along the coastline – just gorgeous.  We were sad we had to leave to head to Saigon (Ho Chi MInh City) and soon out of Vietnam.  – below is our hotel – $40 for room with AC and attached bathroom and pool at beaches edge.munei-1.jpgmunei-2.jpg

Beach views north and south munei-3.jpgmunei-4.jpg

The kiteboarding school Josh and Tim took lessons fromkiteboarding-1a.jpg

1st hour – kiteboard set up and safety; 2nd hour – flying trainer kite then main kite left and right handed; kite-1.jpgkite-2.jpgkite-4.jpg3rd Hour – body dragging in water flying the kite, learning how to relaunch if it crashes when in water


4th hour – body dragging with board and flying kite


5th hour – if you get to this part in that amount of time – land training on getting up on board, then trying it over and over in the water – Here is Josh actually getting up – only 6 hours in the heavy winds and wavy sea – actually a very good timeframe considering the conditions.  Real proud of him.


Josh and Tim with their instructors – English guy (the owner) and Irish guy.  Great Instructors. 


Rented motorbikes for a half day to go to see sand dunes.  Got lost in backcountry.  Here is our gas station!!


Out of context picture = these were the shoes Josh had a cobbler make for him in Hoi Ann.


We usually don’t eat hot dogs when in the states, but Josh was dying to eat one when he found out there was a restaurant that actually made them.  Eat your heart out Josh – over 12 inches long


These next pictures are for Papa Campell or other old car enthusiasts – Ford Farlane?, Mustang Convertable, Mustang Hatchback – if only they knew how much money they have in that lot



French Restaurant – with all these old side car bikes and car – French Restaurant with Spanish music playing with Zebra skin on the wall -?? French, Spanish, African mix ??




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