Celebrity Cruise
Some random thoughts on the cruise: Celebrity is pricey, but definitely a first class operation. I enjoyed the size of the ship. There are many small (16-32) passenger ships, but they roll quite a bit and the larger 92 passenger Expedition was smoother. I also found the larger size gave a good mix of people to meet. By the end of the week we had talked to just about everyone. It allowed us to hang with the people we enjoyed and avoid the few we didn’t. A shout out to the Arizona girls: Michelle, Joan and Theresa. I knew the first sighting in Quito that if they weren’t at the party they would know where it was. Sean and Shannon: what a joy to be with, thanks for hanging out with the old guys. Hutch and Reece: pace yourselves, though you do look Marvelous for 60! Emil and Hilenna I hope I am going strong like you two for a long time yet. Rick, Mary Beth and Preston: Thanks for sharing Peru with us, it was something. I found the whole trip to be fantastic, the Galapagos was a natural wonderland and Peru a cultural wonderland. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Tags: Travel