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why i travel

Monday, May 30th, 2005

when someone thinks of the beat generation, author and frontman jack kerouac readily comes to mind…

…as do war-protesting, tree-hugging hippies, psychadelic drugs, and amoral sexual practices– all negative connotations attached to a 1950’s sub-culture in a negative propaganda campaign meant to marr the public face of a group whose agenda didn’t quite fall in with the government’s plan at the time.

me? i think of the ultimate modern day travelers– unencumbered by the more conventional measures of success: money and fame. free of this economic and social burden, this so-called ‘generation’ was capable of wandering the world in search of whatever fascinated them.

their rallying cry: “so what?!”

many only sought acceptance or a feeling of belonging, a community to turn to when mainstream society has rejected them. many more sought faith, something to believe in during a time of such unbelievable horrors. it is no coincidence that the beat generation, as we know it, came to be in the post-war 50’s. similar sub-cultures can also be found in the 20’s (the ‘lost generation’) and the 60/70’s (hippies).

in either case, these people had reached a breaking point. priorities had shifted. eyes opened.

in another month, i will be 21 years old– old enough to legally drink (alcohol) and operate heavy machinary; although most would recommend: not at the same time. i want to travel. however, american society has made it so that only people with money can travel. this same society has also made it so that a 20 year old rarely has such funding.

only with money can one afford transportation to and from a destination, and the accomadations/entertainment once they have reached that location. and more importantly, only these well-endowed people can afford the time required to travel. so for most travel has been dumbed down to itenerary packed vacations they call getaways, torn straight from a travel agency’s playbook.

there’s no more adventure in travel– unless you can afford it.

fortunately for me, my three years (only one to go) in the military (including stays in afghanistan and iraq) have taught me a new meaning to the word sacrifice. so now i too, like the beat generation in its various forms, can drop the heavy pack of a ‘successful life’ that was unwillingly placed on my shoulders at birth and strike out in search of something else.

this is why i travel.