BootsnAll Travel Network

Angkor Wat, Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng

After waking up horribly early, we jumped in a tuc tuc and headed to Angkor Wat whilst still dark. On arrival we saw the orange and pink sky over the temple towers. After a few minutes taking photos and admiring we moved inside the walls. Still the sun was rising over the towers and we slowly made our way towards the temple. As the sun got higher it got hotter, for 6am it was pretty hot! We spent a couple of hours walking roubd the temple and its grounds, taking in the sheer beauty of the builiding. Including all its detailed carvings and great towers. The effort invlolved in building such a thing must have been incredible! After a short stop for breakfast, we headed to Angkor Thom, the ancient city. On the way we marvelled at other smaller temples all around. Once at Angkor Thom we visited the temple of Bayon, we all seemed to prefer this one to Angkor Wat. With its 37 odd towers rising high, each with a different bhudda’s face carved into the side. We spent another couple of hours wandering around the other temples and palaces of Angkor Thom. We also visited a few more seperate temples, including the one used in Tomb Raider, which is all ruined with trees growing from the temples. The whole days experince was pretty incredible, taking in the beauty and effort involved in building all the temples. After a long day, we headed back to the hostel for sleep in preparation for our long day of travelling ahead.

 The next day we were at the airport early for our flight to Kualar Lumpur. After a short flight We arrived in KL and met Rhian. With 3 hours or so to kill we hung around the airport doing our best to rest. After another flight we had arrived in Vientiane. It was already evening by this time and all we wanted to do was eat and go to bed! The next morning we caught a bus to Luang Prabang in the north of Laos. After 9 orso hoursof travelling along mountain roads we were finally there! The next day we went for a wander around town visiting th eroyal palace and a few temples. In the evening our hostel was celebrating it’s 3rd anniversary so we were trated to dinner at the hostel before heading to a local night club. Which was, an experience. The next day we headed up the hill in the middle of town to visit the temple before getting a taxi to the water fall. Once at the water fall we marvelled at the natural beauty as well as jumping and swimming in the pools. On the way out we saw the bear enclosure where bears were relaxing and playing. The next day we got the bus to Vang Vieng. We have just spent our first day here tubing along the river! This invovles hiring out the inner tube of a tractor tyre and floating down the river taking in the scenery. As well as stopping at the make shift bars along the way! We have another couoke if days here before heading back to KL and then on to Kota Kinaboulou in Borneo.


3 responses to “Angkor Wat, Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng”

  1. Hilary says:

    Sounds fantastic! Beats being anchored off Bradwell waiting for the tide to make which is what we are doing. Looking forward to seeing all the photos and expect a presentation evening before you all disappear to Uni!!!

  2. a.g. says:

    So glad you liked the Bayon temple,at A. Thom. I think it’s everybody’s favourite. Thanks for helping me to relieve the precious memories I have of Siem Reap..

    Have you tried putting a straw into a coconut and drinking the liquid? It’s being rated over here as a health drink.

  3. a.g. says:

    So glad you liked the Bayon temple at A. Thom. I think it’s everybody’s favourite. Thanks for helping me to relieve the precious memories I have of Siem Reap.

    Have you tried putting a straw into a coconut and drinking the liquid? It’s being rated over here because it is a healthy drink.

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