BootsnAll Travel Network

Hanoi, Vietnam

We landed in Hanoi on friday afternoon, immediately noticing a difference in temperature and humidity! During the taxi ride to the hostel we also noticed a difference to china. Firstly it seems a lot more green but also cars are our of place on the roads, which are dominated by mopeds. The buildings are also different, seemingly a lot more colonial giving the streets a more European feel. Once we got to the hostel we turned on the air conditioning and had a snooze. Afterwards we wondered around to find cash and food. A little while later we sat down in the street on what seemed like children’s garden chairs tucking into noodle soup (Pho), washing it down with the local draught beer. Next morning we had a late start and after a considerably continental breakfast, headed into to town to wonder. We ended up just walking around town visiting the lake, old quarter and french quarter. Afterwards we had another snooze and went to find another restraunt, after another incredible (and cheap) meal we wondered around the busy night market and then found a bar for a few drinks before returning to the hostel. This morning we woke early to get to Ho Chih Minh’s mausoleum, after breakfast and a shower, we realised it was absolutley chucking it down. We decided to wait it out. Unfortunately it was too late to visit the mausoleum but we managed to get to the military history museum. It was very interesting, particularly so due to the fact that everything seemed to be propaganda. each artifact was labeled as being used by one person to do something, making them a hero. Although many of these seem rather hard to believe, but it was a good afternoon none the less. Tomorrow we are heading to Ha Long Bay for a 2 day/1 night excursion, including staying the night on a boat. After that we are returning here for one night then heading south on the bus on wednesday morning!


3 responses to “Hanoi, Vietnam”

  1. Hilary says:

    Sounds like a lot of eating and drinking! We are also sheltering from the pouring rain at Levington. But bet it’s warmer where you are. Enjoy the boat trip. NE 5-7 forecast here!

  2. Grandpa says:

    Your reports are most interesting and thanks for taking the time to send them. I am sure that you will enjoy Ha Long Bay and you have so much more ahead. Very sensible to abandon Thailand! Have fun and take care. Grandpa.

  3. jim says:

    Watch out for the guys in black pj’s, there is still a lot of it about! The heros of the war is a very interesting situation wonder who the the heros are in the South? Did you catch anything fishing and if so did you eat it?? As Mun said big wind on Monday, over 40knots and a boat speed of over 10knots! All good fun spoilt by putting a hole in the hull while trying to get the boat into the berth, nere mind it will get fixed, not what I said at the time though!! Take care and Carry on up the Kong!

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