BootsnAll Travel Network

new idea

I’ve been struggling with this proposal I’m working on for Krannert. I mean, how do you just ask for six months off, how do you break the ice on a topic like that? I’ve decided my initial presentation would actually be an invite to meet and discuss my ideas (hit them with the professional design right away). But I’m still struggling, something just wasn’t feeling right. The research ideas weren’t exciting me, the need for connecting with people at performing arts centers wasn’t really calling to me. And then I put in a CD that my dearest friend Danielle sent me, Playing For Change. And the ideas flooded my brain again. There’s the exact thing I want to be doing. Proving the importance of music and it’s ability to inspire, to change.

Today I emailed them to request collaboration. I don’t know if it will get to the right person with the right timing and the serendipitous needs that I’m hoping for… but I would never know if I didn’t email. So, I hope you’ll join me in happy wishes that my email makes it to the right place.

If you don’t know about Playing For Change I would highly recommend checking out their site.

Here’s a video, only 4 minutes long, of what they’re doing:

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