Classes Continue, Pero Vivo en Nueva Casa
Tuesday, January 19th, 2010When I returned to my homestay after Machu Picchu, Manchi, the grandmother of the house, seemed outside her usual jovial self, and preoccupied with things outside the family home, and even outside of Cuzco. It is my understanding that her uncle became ill, and has now passed. While she has still been lively and easy to joke with the last few days, there has been a look in her eyes that I had not seen before. Today marked two weeks living with her family, and it seemed appropriate to move on to another location to allow for time to be devoted to other causes.
Classes continue, I have had two this week and have five more days left. I have moved near the center of Cuzco, within walking distance of Fairplay. This weekend I plan to travel to Lake Titikaka, and finish my time at spanish school sometime next week. This is the update, Ciao.