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Monday, January 4th, 2010


Ah, traveling.  What a chance to experience rich culture, new cuisine, interesting people, and dramatic landscapes that assumedly will enrich your life and your character forever.  But, you have to get their first.

From SF I flew to Houston where I had a four hour layover, and did what I probably would have done had I not traveled yesterday: watch a football game.  A pleasant way to pass time in the airport.  Arriving in Lima at midnight, I took my bag upstairs to the foodcourt, put my hat over my eyes (it´s coming in handy already), and attempted to go to sleep in the airport, which was noisy and busy all night.

I was scheduled for a 10 o´clock flight to Cuzco, but sleeping on the floor lost it´s charm quick, and so at 4 o´clock I asked the airline to put me on the earlier flight, which they did.  They charge dme $25 to save four hours in the Lima airport.  Deal.

Cusco is at nearly 10,000 feet, and coming off the plane I expected some grandiose loss of air through my lungs in the transfer from plane to land, but no such thing happened.  In fact, the altitude is hardly apparent at all, and climbing the cobblestone steps to my hotel was a breeze.  I arrived looking for a room at 7:30am, but the hotel was full.  The gracious owner led me upstairs and plopped me down on the couch.  ¨Rest.¨ She said,  and let me sleep while her guests checked out.

And so here I am.  Reveling in the glory of what feels like an international-class city, both for it´s beauty and it´s culture.  Shingled-rooftop houses scatter nearly every angle and every inch of the surrounding hillside, but the city retains a relaxed pace that I didn´t expect for a city of 350,000.

The search for a Spanish school begins!
