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A Little Planning

Friday, February 15th, 2008

While here I will also try to do a little trajectory planning. In a month I need to be in Antigua, guatelmala for semana santa. I had wanted to see most of Guatemala before this, leaving me a month for Chiapas and the Yucatan before I head back. So many people I have met loved guatemala and I had hoped to have a full month there. This means leaving Honduras with much unseen. It looks as tho I may only see the area around Copan Ruinas and Santa Rosa de Copan and maybe a stop on the way there to Lago de Yojoa but that’s really not on the way. Sheesh!

One thing I know I won’t be able to do it the northern coast of Honduras. I’ve reconciled myself to this being a trip unto itself another time. The moskito coast intrigues me and I think it would be worth it. In fact, Lago de Yojoa is on the way to the coast so maybe I can leave that for later, too. I must admit I never thought I’d be crossing broad swaths of a county off my itinerary! But knowing that I do not like to rush from one town to another I think this is best.

Tidying up

Friday, February 15th, 2008

I have all these untidy loose threads in my head regarding leon and my last days in nicaragua but I don’t see how I’ll find the time to capture them. but not just about leon, about how my travels are progressing and about how they are changing, or maybe in more cases not changing, me. Take a previous lesson I learned in my personal relationships: don’t enter one believing you can change a person. Yeah, a lesson one must learn firsthand, right? Now I find this is true of the relationship between me and this journey. Will it fundamentally change me? Is that even possible with me controlling so much of it?

I never really expected to be changed. Hhhmmmm….or did I? if I am totally honest with you an me, I may have. But now, at large in the world, I am starting to understand the fundamental principals at my core that rule my behavior and my relationship with the world around me. Yet more grist for my mind’s mill. if one of the goals of my journey was self-discovery, I am well down that path. Knowing myself and what I want better is bound to be a good thing, right?

Ocotal, Nicaragua

Thursday, February 14th, 2008
Ocotal, Nicaragua, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

Tegucigalpa – The Silver Hills

Thursday, February 14th, 2008
I’ve decided to spend at least a day or so in Tegucigalpa (known in these parts as Tegu).  I was surprised how much I liked san jose, CR despite it’s bad reputation so I decided to give tegu a chance.  ... [Continue reading this entry]

Los Manos Border Crossing – Honduras Here I Come!

Thursday, February 14th, 2008
I think this was the easiest border crossing so far and it’s got the bonus of being in a beautiful mountain range. The officials were friendly and helpful. Nicargua charges you $2 for leave the country (and $7 ... [Continue reading this entry]

Last Stop Before Honduras – Ocotal

Thursday, February 14th, 2008
Like I said, I don’t like to do all day bus trips. Not knowing how long the border crossing at Los Manos would take, I decided to spent a night in the Nicaraguan town closest to the border. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
Matagalpa, Nicaragua, originally uploaded by peggydaly. Rusting tank at the entrance to La Finca Selva Negra

Finca Selva Negra

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
The next day I hop on a bus headed further up the mountains towards jinotega for a day trip to La Selva Negra, spanish for The Black Forest.  The bus lets me off about ½ way, next to a rusting ... [Continue reading this entry]

Matagalpa Market

Monday, February 11th, 2008
Matagalpa Market, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

Cooling off in Matagalpa

Monday, February 11th, 2008
I said goodbye to my air-conditioned room in Leon and took off for a place with some altitude and what I’d hope would be nature’s own air-conditioning.   I just get so lazy when it’s hot.  So I caught a chicken ... [Continue reading this entry]