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The Virgin

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Antigua Procession, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

i know The Virgin has always been very important to my mother and maybe it is for this reason that her processions moved me the most. the devotion to her here is amazing and the importance of the different advocations (depictions of various events and times of her life – like in this picture where she mourns jesus’s crucifixion as Nuestra Senora de los Delores or Our Lady of Sorrows) and apparitions (appearances during history – like the virgin de guadalupe) is impressive and touching. I can understand the appeal of a compassionate mother-figure and think religion could use a bit more of a feminine touch!

Smile for the Camera

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

Antigua Procession, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

Sorry to be irreverent, but it IS part of a family easter story. when i caught this pic i was momentarily struck by how odd it is that i and the guy at the bottom of the pic are drawn to this procession to snap shots of Jesus carrying his cross. the unappropriate thought “smile for the camera” made me think of a family easter story. i guess i was about 5 or 6 when this happened.

as an easter gift for my mom i made a construction paper representation of jesus on the cross complete with a big smile on his face and a rather extraneous accordian-folded tail attached to the bottom of the cross. when i presented to my mom she quietly turned to my aunt and said “look, he’s smiling”. my aunt pat didn’t miss a beat and said “he’s so glad it’s over”.

i hope neither my beloved mother or beloved aunt mind me sharing this story. a sense of humor makes religion more accessible, right? yesterday’s easter processions were almost overwhelming. those in the morning have jesus walking with the cross to his crucifiction. later in the day the processions carry the body of jesus in ornate glass sarcophagi. the bearers wear black rather than purple. today the virgin has several processions and tomorrow – the procession of the resurrection.