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a phone made of pink bunny fur

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

last night i wanted to make some notes so i went to the bookshelf and grabbed one of my many half-used journals. the one i grabbed (catwoman cartoon cover) has sat unused since 2000, and only the first dozen or so pages were filled. it was mostly filled with random thoughts but i came across this entry:
while riding BART i was asked by a man if he could create and recite a spoken-word poem for me….on any topic i’d like. I agreed, and having just left work (telecom software) i chose “telephones” as the topic. his creation went something like this:

“I would create a phone, not of plastic, not of the materials commonly associated with phones. I would create a phone made of pink bunny fur. If I were not home this phone would provide a response tailored to the caller. It could tell those I did not wish to hear from exactly how i felt. I could call straight down to the center of the earth. I could call the devil, because I am sure his life is quite mundane”

i wasn’t able to capture it all but that is the gist. i arrived at my station, cutting short his poem, but i felt compelled to tell him i would totally like a phone like that. especially the pink bunny fur.
i had forgotten this episode but i am glad to have recovered the memory. i enjoyed several other scribblings as well. during a business trip i wrote this while waiting for a cab… “another glass of wine. my cab has not arrived. inefficiency of public transportation has increased my intoxication”. i vaguely remember overhearing this next one at a restaurant, but why i start it out the way i do, i have no idea….”cheeseburger, potato salad. i hear that butchers used to outnumber restaurants 5 to 1. now it’s the opposite”. i bet that is true.

i am going to try to do this again – carry a journal for random thoughts. i found this journal far more interesting than other, more deliberate ones i’ve kept. those become too contrived and less spontaneous. hope you enjoyed the poem!