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Leaving Panama

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

After a relaxing final day in Cerra Punta, i’m thinking about my crossing back into Costa Rica to start my northward journey. since i started planning this route i’ve had my eye on a little-used border crossing in Rio Sereno. It’s not used by foreigners much (according to lonely planet) but most accounts i’ve read indicate there is little hassle. this is appealing given that the biggest (and 2nd closest) border crossing at paso canoas is notoriously mobbed since it’s on the interamericana highway. Jake, another traveler staying at Los Quetzales was thinking the same thing so we may make a run for the border together tomorrow.

My next “big” destination is Puerto Jimenez on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, near Corcovado Park. apparently it’s the best place on the Osa to get budget accommodation on the fly – as Drake’s Bay (the other side of Corcovado) has more all-inclusive lodges and fewer options all-together. hope this works out :).

because the trip from here to there has a complete handful of bus transfers and a ferry that needs to be caught by 1:30 pm, i will need to stay overnight somewhere in between. i think that “somewhere” will be san vito, a town settled by italians that reportedly has the best italian food in CR. good wine and cheese? say no more.

so if all goes as planned this is my last post from panama. I keep thinking my internet access will be spotty in “the next town” but it’s proving to be pretty ubiquitous. I’ve got new photos uploaded so remember that use can use the links under “my links” to the right to get to my slideshows and FLICKR page. also – i updated my map so you can get a visual of the journey so far. cheers! from the amazing highlands of panama.