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Bettaaaaahh…with a book

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Yeah, the next day of class went much better. A few things came back to me and we started methodically conjugating verbs. No, it’s not easy, but I see the logic behind it. If I try hard to use these verbs properly and practice, I can see a big leap happening. IF I use them and practice…..

….but, you know how they say multi-lingual children (from dual-languag parents) take longer to begin talking? i feel like my head is filled with verbs and their multiple conjugations and even the verbs i used easily before – get stuck in my mouth. i can only hope that like multi-lingual children, once i start talking i improve rapidly and end up even better :).

Although my classes are only 4 hours a day I feel pretty lazy for the rest of the day. Maybe it’s too easy to use school as an excuse to read the rest of the day. after I talked about the challenge of getting good reading material on a long journey, a really nice woman I met in copan gave me her unread, hard-copy of “a thousand splendid suns”. I had just finished reading a compilation of sci-fi short stories about AI (artificial intelligence). It was surprisingly good – tho I couldn’t say that about the book I had underway at the time: the tommyknockers (tk’s) by steven king.

When I finished 1k splendid suns earlier in the week I realized the danger of a good read: its pleasure is fleeting. The tk’s consumed a good few week’s worth of reading time and here “1k splendid suns” lasted merely 2.5 days!! So today I traded this fancy, new, NYT bestseller for an old copy of tom wolfe’s “bonfire of the vanities” from a restaurant down the street. I know this was a movie but thankfully I hadn’t seen it. There were only a few books there but it was nice to find a 1 for 1 exchange. I hadn’t read any tom wolfe but know he’s an American gem, so I went for it. I am really captivated by his style.

WAIT – here I am in Guatemala reviewing contemporary American literature? That is soooo wrong. Tonight I decided NOT to go to a Lenten procession thru town – one that I’d learned about from my Spanish teacher – so I could sit on the balcony overlooking the lake and read. But I said “heck – I am going to be in Antigua for semana santa! What do I need with a procession tonight!?” But I know i need that boost….the boost that rainbows at the ngobe’ market in boquete provided me and the boost that poetry in a café in leon provided me.

But tonight I’ve tucked myself away using the comfort that a good, new book provides. Before that I used the copious hot water to shave my legs. I took out the best purchase I’ve made thus far – a 20 cent piece of volcanic pumice from the masaya market (and I bet that girl belly-laughed after I paid that for it) and gave myself a pedicure. I watched the sun dip behind this valley created by volcanoes, filled with clear-blue water and conjured the spirit that propelled me on this journey……..then I used tomorrow’s 8:00 am Spanish session, my last, as an excuse to hit the sack early. Buenos noches!!!!

Chichi Market, Guatemala

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Chichi Market, Guatemala, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

San Pedro La Laguna

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008
On Monday I moved to san pedro despite my reservations that it would be a hippie-haven.  I am glad I did.  It is a lovely pueblo with many Spanish schools and a decent mix of people.  I signed up at ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lago de Atitlan

Sunday, February 24th, 2008
For the next day I arranged my transport on the $5 pullman direct to panajachel (on lake atitlan) – which leaves at 7am.  This can be arranged at many places around Antigua – just look for the signs.  it is ... [Continue reading this entry]

Flower Vendors thru Incense

Sunday, February 24th, 2008
Chichi Market, Guatemala, originally uploaded by peggydaly. Chichi Market, Guatemala

Burning Incense at Chichi Market

Sunday, February 24th, 2008
Chichi Market, Guatemala, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

Antigua, Guatemala

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008
Yes, the name literally means old.  I need to investigate when and why this town acquired the name, as it surely wasn’t always old.  The little history I have doesn’t address the nomenclature.  One thing everyone can agree on is ... [Continue reading this entry]

Face Map

Thursday, February 21st, 2008
Copan Village, Honduras, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

Men in Hats, Honduras

Thursday, February 21st, 2008
Copan Village, Honduras, originally uploaded by peggydaly. It may look simple, but honduran men are pretty particular about the way they wear the 3 critical pieces of their wardrobe: hat, collared-shirt, jeans. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Copan Ruinas – More than Mayan Rubble

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
The village of “Copan Ruinas” is incredibly quaint. There are also heaps of other things to do in the area, since it is set in lovely mountain range. I’ve had some English conversations and am feeling a bit ... [Continue reading this entry]