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Archive for the 'central america' Category

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Added link to Photos

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

i’ve uploaded some pics to flickr and will continue to add more periodically while i’m here in bocas with internet access. i added a link on the right sidebar to “Peg’s Central American Slideshow”

stop by if you’re interested :). i’m also trying to figure out a better format for pics that i “cross-blog” from flickr. they are squintshed up to the side. hhmmm.

Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Costa Rica

Originally uploaded by peggydaly

merry christmas

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007
it was certainly a wet christmas but today, after a 5 day streak of constant rain, the horizon is clear. for the first time since i arrived i can see the mountains on the mainland. yay!!! regardless, ... [Continue reading this entry]

sixaola border crossing to panama

Monday, December 24th, 2007
I’m pretty glad I ended up on that second bus cuz I met some nice folks. A british couple, alka and rodri, are also in bocas now and we’ll meet up for drinks and a book swap ☺ and ... [Continue reading this entry]

puerto viejo de talamanca melting pot

Monday, December 24th, 2007
Mostly I just people watched while I was here. There was a futbol tournament going on in the late afternoon. An odd version of it tho, as it was played on a court as small as a tennis ... [Continue reading this entry]

punta uva: point grape

Monday, December 24th, 2007
I got curious about what “uva” was in spanish and it turns out to be “grape”. No wonder I like this place so much, it is named after that fabulous fruit that provides my elixir, vino tinto ☺. ... [Continue reading this entry]

punta uva heaven

Monday, December 24th, 2007
Puerto viejo doesn’t look too bad, but my mission there was to get a few groceries to tide me over when grub wasn’t to be found in punta uva. This isn’t a problem when one has transportation (rental car, ... [Continue reading this entry]

chow in cahuita

Monday, December 24th, 2007
Alby lodge had a community kitchen that I took advantage of some but I had yummy pizza my last night at corlione’s before i hit the sack. Overall, cahuita is ok. It’s a bit dusty despite it’s locale ... [Continue reading this entry]

Punta Uva, Costa Rica

Monday, December 24th, 2007

Punta Uva, Costa Rica
Originally uploaded by peggydaly ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cahuita Costa Rica

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Cahuita Costa Rica
Originally uploaded by peggydaly

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