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My Tent at La Leona Tent Camp, Corcovado

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

La Leona Corcovado, Costa Rica, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

First: Get to Carate

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Corcovado Park, Costa Rica, originally uploaded by peggydaly.

I was up early and caught the 6am collectivo to carate, the gateway to corcovado if you are approaching from the south. Carate is really just a restaurant that also have a few basic food items you can buy. If you are camping or staying at the La Leona Park Station (reservations required) it a 3.5km walk from there to carate.

The collectivo is a small pickup truck with benches in the back covered by a tarp-covered frame. It’s very basic transport for your $7 one way ticket. It takes about 2 hours from PJ to carate. Here is a pic of the collectivos ☺.

Golfo Dulce, Osa, Costa Rica

Monday, January 14th, 2008

Golfo Dulce, Osa, Costa Rica
Originally uploaded by [Continue reading this entry]

Seeing the Forest, not the Trees

Monday, January 14th, 2008
Like I said, I had become quite attached to my binoculars (or, for you debbi-doodle, binocs) so I was a bit distracted during my travels to Puerto Jimenez. My journey from san vito to Puerto Jimenez required a long ... [Continue reading this entry]

Rio Sereno Border Crossing: Panama/Costa Rica

Monday, January 14th, 2008
Turns out this is a super laid-back border crossing. Officials on both sides were friendly, helpful and knowledgeable about how to deal with non-locals. I only say this because I’d heard rumblings to the contrary. we caught ... [Continue reading this entry]

Leaving Panama

Thursday, January 10th, 2008
After a relaxing final day in Cerra Punta, i'm thinking about my crossing back into Costa Rica to start my northward journey. since i started planning this route i've had my eye on a little-used border crossing in Rio ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cerra Punta/Guadalaupe, Panama

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Cerra Punta, Panama
Originally uploaded by peggydaly
and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Gettin’ a “Little Tongue”

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Cerra Punta, Panama
Originally uploaded by peggydaly
This ... [Continue reading this entry]

Filed Teeth

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Cerra Punta, Panama
Originally uploaded by peggydaly
For ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cerra Punta, Panama

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Cerra Punta, Panama
Originally uploaded by peggydaly
Taken ... [Continue reading this entry]