Observation on Travelers
There are a number of people who share my trajectory thru central America, tho maybe only part of it. We greet each other, have a little chit chat, etc. with some I am on a first name basis and with others I know only the relevant facts: where have you been, where are you going, where are you from and do you have any info that I might find helpful?
With a handful of people throughout my travels I have shared and learned more: the Canadians and jenny in tortuguero, Roberto in punta uva, Jessica and Ian in cerra punta, Duncan and Nancy in osa, gina and Linda here in grenada. I find that at 40 I’m sort-of in between the 2 major groups of travelers: college-age and retirement age.
I am not unique by any means (ok I’m unique but not special ☺) but I’ve observed some interesting dynamics. At first I believed that older men talked to me more frequently because they were more curious about why I am traveling solo, but now I think it’s just because they want to talk – and mostly about themselves. I am getting a great lesson in humility and the art of conversation. And young people….well, I applaud them for getting out and seeing the world. it will certainly serve them well in the future and we’ll just leave it at that.
When I meet people who welcome multi-dimensional conversations it is truly a pleasure. And here is my big epiphany: it’s no different than at home or anywhere. As a matter of fact, my position may have less to do with age and more to do with my personality. I’ll try to boil it down further over the coming months but what I have right now is this: people traveling abroad are no more special than anywhere, contrary to what they might believe (and what I believed before I left). Unique, as is every person on the planet, but not special. People who’s company I truly enjoy seem to be fairly evenly distributed throughout the world’s population without regard to geography, interests, religion, etc.
Don’t get me wrong. This is not a disappointment. i take this away from the lesson: I’m just as likely to meet people I like here, back in CA, TX, in timbouctou or anywhere. They aren’t all magically drawn to one place or one activity (like traveling). That’s good. I like good people and the world needs them everywhere ;). I can share.
i’m reminded of something my friend shawn said before I left TX for CA. he was kind of griping that I was leaving and Kathy, his wife and one of my dearest friends, asked “Don’t you want Peggy to be happy and move somewhere she’ll find more people she likes?” and shawn said “I think peggy will find people she likes anywhere she goes”. Shawn, oh wise one ☺! btw, you and your lady are 2 of those people I like!!!
Tags: central america, Travel, traveling