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Archive for June, 2007

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Cultural confusion — quicky

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

Okay, so we were filming and visiting with Hope for Woman in Dehra Dun and vasi went to use th bathroom, but found it unpleasant, so came out. Sajee explained to her something about how the plumbing was bad so she’d have to use the bucket and water. TO me i knew this to mean that instead of a push flush she’d have to fill a bucket with water and manually flush it. When I asked her why she didnt use the toilet she said,
“he said the toilet didnt work so i’d have to use the scoop to scoop out the toilet when im done.”P6060258.JPGThis is one of the HFW workers

Two white girls and a midnight train ride (dad are you reading this?)

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

Copied from paper journal — (not that you’re following, but this is out of order, it’s the ride from Ghaziabad (outside of Delhi) to Dehra DuP6090484 (Small).JPGn, where we did the Hope for Women filming project, now I’m already in Rishikesh, but computers have been hard to find (pictures even more difficult to upload, hopefully soon)

Phew, we’re in the train, leaving The Family. I feel giddy, free and happy to b [read on]

NO peeing in Rishikesh

Sunday, June 10th, 2007

Okay, so as you may, or may not have guessed, I am now in Rishikesh, and we don't pee here, why? Too hot, literally I feel like all I do is drink and sweat, right now, and it doesnt even ... [Continue reading this entry]

Protected: One God and many manipulations

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

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Protected: Masochist?

Friday, June 8th, 2007

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Protected: child slavery -the rest of the story

Friday, June 8th, 2007

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the whole story awaits

Thursday, June 7th, 2007
Okay, Im too tired to write the whole story, which is written in my paper journal, and added to on last nights overnight train ride from Ghaziabad to Dehra Dun. I have much to say about child slavery, seen first ... [Continue reading this entry]

this is not the whole story

Monday, June 4th, 2007
I had a nearly-bad experience in thailand with people reading my blog who I handn't planned to, so for that reason this entry is censored slightly, at least for a few days, then I can fill in the story. For ... [Continue reading this entry]

Delhi pelhi bar ay hun

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007
"This is my first trip to delhi" -- well, i made it, but this will be short cause after delays in NY and rerouting in germany I'm in Ghaziabar, an ouskirt of delhi. Im staying with my friend's sister's friends ... [Continue reading this entry]