About Me (3)
Feb. 24-March 10 trip with April (5) Paris to Ramallah by Train (2) Stories of daily life in Vienna (5) Summer in Italy (4) Traveloques: from the road (6)
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* Starting out, a group email
* The Wild, Wild East * Italians I know * Lago di Como * Reflecting on the summer * Weekend at the Italian Riviera * A day with Italians * Pictures * Update (good for a few weeks) * Impressions of Romania * From Yugoslavia * Forgetting to be adventurous... * New adventures * Slow start, really slow finish * What the heck am I thinking?! * A Day at Auschwitz * Freezing our tushes off in Kosice * Slow start, entry 1 * Me (left) w/student in Salzburg * The students in our flat, Jan. in Vienna
October 21, 2005The Wild, Wild East
Paris to Vienna. Vienna to Budapest. Budapest to Bucuresti. Bucuresti to Sofia. And that's only the beginning. This is day five, and already I've seen more than I know what to do with... It's not like I had a smooth beginning. My train out of Paris was cancelled, and we were re-routed through Strasbourg, Germany, not to mention that my ipod (thank you Kelsey!) and my cell phone were both having serious issues. In my mind that could have compromised the whole trip. Smiley face. Luckily, there was a very nice and very cute French boy in front of me who was terribly willing to help translate with the cell phone customer service. Oh la la. Everything went quite smoothly all the way through Bucuresti. Actually, everything has gone smoothly to date. In Budapest I picked up a Californian who was wavering between Budapest and Romania. Needless to say, I swayed her easily and we boarded a night train to Bucuresti. Romania is one of the most fascinating countries in the world. There is such an obvious facade that is supposed to display pride and wealth, and it shamefully attempts to hide the poverty and decay there. I love being in Romania. Plus, I had fabulous company to share in the experience with me! Comments
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