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July 19, 2005Reflecting on the summer
This has been, probably, the best summer I can ever remember. I won’t ignore the difficult moments, but I’ve never been so conscious of my own growth, of self-discovery. We both had work in the morning. Steve at 7; me at 9. Oh well. We parked the car and found a restaurant for lunch. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the wine in the sun, or possibly just time and reason, but my initial dread of the situation relaxed into comic acceptance. I just felt so bad about having to call into work: “Hi. This is Morgan. We ran out of gas in a village in the South of France and have to stay in this charming one horse town over night. Woe is me.” But seriously, I felt like I was really letting my boss down. Turned out she would have cancelled the class on me at 9:30 the next morning. I called her and after getting that over with, I really relaxed into the situation. We went and got a hotel room and took a nap before sightseeing. The village was really small. It took us five minutes to see it all. There was a dried up river, an old Roman bridge, a church, some shops, and houses. Oh, and there was a closed petrol station. That was about it. With not much else to do, we went for dinner. It was fortunate, I suppose, to get stuck in such a charming and quaint village in the South of France. We walked back to the hotel and spent the rest of the night talking and reading. At 8 the following morning we were at that petrol station. We decided not to continue on to Torino via the same switch back road. The road that took us back to the freeway was 17 kilometers and took us ten minutes. We had to laugh at that. It’s a great memory and good story. A little bump in the road that I’ll remember forever. So with two more weeks to go in Torino, I’m reflecting on the summer. I’ve loved teaching here. The students have been a major factor in shaping my experience. They are enthusiastic about everything and terribly helpful in answering all of my questions. I enjoy going to work and laughing away a few hours with people I quite admire and respect. I have a handful of friends and know my way around a city that I’ve loved since the beginning. But then again, I am used to saying goodbye to all of that and starting over. I think the part I’ll really miss is my camping partner. I’m just hoping that if I can’t continue life in Torino that at least I can keep on camping. Comments
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