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Feb. 24-March 10 trip with April (5) Stories of daily life in Vienna (5) Summer in Italy (2) Traveloques: from the road (6)
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* Weekend at the Italian Riviera
* A day with Italians * Pictures * Update (good for a few weeks) * Impressions of Romania * From Yugoslavia * Forgetting to be adventurous... * New adventures * Slow start, really slow finish * What the heck am I thinking?! * A Day at Auschwitz * Freezing our tushes off in Kosice * Slow start, entry 1 * Me (left) w/student in Salzburg * The students in our flat, Jan. in Vienna * Homesick tonight * Taking a trip this week. * Klosterneuburg: a day at the abbey * Photo of Morgan in Paris 2003 by the Poet Blake Steele * Divine moments in the Shower
May 25, 2005A day with Italians
As I write this update, I’m sitting in a charming Italian flat. Its red tiled floors and bright white walls create the quintessential picture of what one expects in Italy. The sun is shining on the brown and red roof tiles outside of the window and the church bells chime on the hour. Am I romanticizing my surroundings? Somehow I think it’s not possible to romanticize this world—it is simply thus in reality.
Ida and Silia, the directors of the school, were just as charming and kind hearted. I felt so comfortable with them and was very encouraged by their enthusiasm. I left a few hours later, armed with teacher material and confidence to enter class that night. My first class was brilliant. The Italian adult students were so willing and joyful, laughing their way through errors and translated jokes. It rounded off a wonderful day of interacting with Italians. It’s no wonder why the world seems so enchanted with this sincere and enthusiastic people. I certainly am! Comments
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