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March 04, 2005A Day at Auschwitz
I'm not too sure what I can write about Auschwitz because I haven't decided how to process it. That such an atrocity occurred is amazing to me. That this happened only sixty years ago is incomprehensible to me. And to think of how it was or rather wasn't addressed by the rest of the world. How could that have happened? The camp is eerily intact. The legacy of the Nazis' efficiency and inhumanity overwhelmed me. For the first hour I wavered between wanted to vomit and wanting to break down sobbing. At times I felt I couldn't control myself emotionally. Then I was so angry, but where could such anger be directed? I quickly felt overwhelmed by guilt. How dare I experience these emotions. Sixty years too late and with none of it MY experience, how could I possibly claim such emotions? Comments
Happy Birthday again Morgan. I miss you a lot. Call me! Posted by: Brooke on March 6, 2005 02:09 AM |
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