Carpe Diem, the pirate's way
the adventures of a lifetime
The Plan
Life in Ramallah, and the People I Love
My Yahoo Avatar Picture
A Week In Jordan
In Palestine
Starting out, a group email
The Wild, Wild East
Italians I know
Lago di Como
Reflecting on the summer
Weekend at the Italian Riviera
A day with Italians
Update (good for a few weeks)
Impressions of Romania
From Yugoslavia
Forgetting to be adventurous...
New adventures
Slow start, really slow finish
What the heck am I thinking?!
A Day at Auschwitz
Freezing our tushes off in Kosice
Slow start, entry 1
Me (left) w/student in Salzburg
The students in our flat, Jan. in Vienna
Homesick tonight
Taking a trip this week.
Klosterneuburg: a day at the abbey
Photo of Morgan in Paris 2003 by the Poet Blake Steele
Divine moments in the Shower
A day at the Naschmarkt