BootsnAll Travel Network

Exploring America

This summer, I'm going to do a road trip around America (and Canada), taking time to stop and stay a while at places I'm enjoying. My itinerary so far includes major cities and popular areas, but if you know of any nice places off the beaten path then leave a comment! Three months, two countries, one car, one girl.


January 2nd, 2009

First post!

I’m still in the planning stages of my epic American Road Trip of awesome. It’s really quite a daunting thing for a 19 year-old girl to think about being on the road by herself for only a couple months and trying to plan everything. Although, I know I won’t follow my itinerary exactly, you need to have plans to break them.

The reason I want to go on this trip is because I feel like I negative preconceived ideas about travel and long-term travel, and I want to prove those ideas wrong. But mostly, the reason is that I want to get away from home. I live in a boring, cookie cutter town, and it’s starting to make me feel claustrophobic and trapped.

 So, right now, I am planning on leaving Florida, home, in early June.

I’ll post my itinerary soon!

Happy travels.
