David, Stephanie, Jordan & Luke wrote a new blog post: To finish an unfinished journey…..off the beaten track 13 years, 9 months ago · View
It’s been over two years since our last trip was abruptly ended due to sickness including a hospital stay in Calcutta and a sickly time in Delhi. We decided to come home then and while I made a quick one day trip to Agra and the Taj my desire to ‘complete’ my Indian adventure only grows! […]
David, Stephanie, Jordan & Luke wrote a new blog post: ‘W’ is for World Bank 13 years, 9 months ago · View
In our travels in different parts of the world we’ve always learned to appreciate just how good Australian Roads are. Seems the World Bank needed a new country to loan money to and so increase the reliance on them under the guise of ‘wanting to improve Nepal’s roads and open up the country’ and here’s what […]