My Kangaroo Island Adventure with Surf and Sun
Monday, May 3rd, 2010Kangaroo Island is the perfect place to be when your interested in the native wildlife of australia because Kangaroo Island is a true wildlife sanctuary. This is because of its isolation from the mainland so that the native vegetation suffered less from the impact of European settlement. The wildlife that your are more likely to see when visiting this Island are kangaroos, koala’s, wallaby’s, possums, enchidnas, penguins sea lions and more when your lucky. In februari i got my oppertunity to visit Kangaroo Island and did that through a booking with Surf and Sun. This is an adventurous tour operator in South Australia who offers the best possible trip to Kangaroo island in my opinion. It has a good mixture of adventurous and fun activities and wildlife viewing. See as much as you can in a short time without getting the feeling that it’s rushed. That was my experience on kangaroo island with Surf & Sun. My highlights of the tour was the guided private beach walk with the sea lions at Seal Bay where i could watch them from only a 10 metres distance which was amazing. I had the most fun during sand boarding in the little sahara, enjoyin a thrilling ride down from on of the highest white sand dune the little sahara has and the many oppertunities and time to spot the wild animals. On of the main reason that i’ve chosen to do a guided tour is because an experienced tour guide can tell you all about the facts and figures of Kangaroo Island and also they do know what are the best places to visit, better than me and i couldn’t have a better learning and fun experience with Surf and Sun. During this tour I also got the feeling that I have experienced the outback a little. Camping under the stars in a swag was amazing. This was the first time for me and such an experience will stay with be all my life. Seeing that much stars was overwhelming and couldn’t have a better sleep than this. After all, it was a enrichment to my life and have kept memorable experiences from it!