BootsnAll Travel Network

At last!

It was about time I started a travel blog, as my food blog has been dominated by travel talk for most of 2010.

Why ‘with marmite and mince pie’? Well, I do a lot of couchsurfing, and it’s good manners to bring a present from home for your host. More often than not, I end up bringing foods that are typical/only available in Britain, or people even request it specifically (Twinings Lemon and Ginger tea seems to be especially popular!). And alliterations work well, don’t they?

At the moment, I am preparing for my Istanbul trip – not being an xmassy-person, I decided to make the most of the time the office closes down for the holidays. London still is pretty much in a state of chaos because of the ‘heavy’ snow (2 inches) that brought much of the public transport and the airports to a standstill. I hope I will make it to Gatwick ok tomorrow and that my flight doesn’t get canceled or delayed!


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