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Kuala Lumpur

Sunday, July 23rd, 2006

Wow i’m far behind. I’m now in Thailand and have written nothing on Malaysia.

Flew into Kula Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. A shock to the system; a real hub of activity. The roads are choked with cars, people and carts; the pavements are non-existent due to the numerous food stalls that are crammed into every space selling fried meats, strange looking dried fish, bubbling soups and of course noodles or rice; the air is a miasma, a mix of food, fumes and the stench of open drains and occassionally open sewers (or is that the smell of Durian, a fruit that the Malaysians have a strange attraction too?). In essence Kuala Lumur is a buzzing metropolis alive with sounds, sights and smells.

I spent ages trying to find my hostel. Three hours spent walking the streets asking passers-by where this small, insignificant hostel was. Of course no one knew, why would they. I had no Lonely Planet so i couldn’t even tell people the road. Well done Andrew. Organisation is your strong point.

Eventually i found the place. Le Village. Inhabiting one of the oldest colonial buildings in KL. Rustic, ageing, peeled paint on the walls, creaky wooden stairs, moth eaten tapestries and paper thin walls. Still it had a certain charm.

After a quick kip i ventured out to look round Chinatown and Little India. Malaysia is a country with a complex but largely coherent multicultural and ethnic make-up, a fact that often escapes those who believe in the facile and vacuous theory of Huntington’s clash of civilizations thesis. Malay make up the most numerous ethnicity, then i believe its Han Chinese and lastly Indians. Food, shops, tv and music all reflect the diversity of peoples and cultures in Malaysia., not often equally or fairly, but one is aware of the melting pot. I ate some delicious indian curries on a banana leaf before strolling through the Indian cloth markets and then heading to china town to peruse the fake watches, gucci bags and sunglasses.

The moment i ventured out of my hostel i was pounced upon. I must look like a total plum as scammers buzzed round me like flies are attracted to shit (er – did i just call myself a shit?).

“Hi, where are you from?” i was asked.

“Hello, erm England”

“Oh, where abouts?”

“Grafty Green”

“My sister is going to university there! [Er yeah, uh huh, your sister is going to university in a village that gets excited when someone with a tan walks in the local pub, let alone has a foreign, non-white resident] Come have a drink with me and my daughter” as they grab my arm and lead me to the nearest stall with the daughter trying to look as alluring as possible.

I went with them, got my free can of coke and arranged to meet them in the same place the next day…of course not turning up! (don’t worry mum). I scammed the scammers!

It seems KL and Grafty Green have become twin villages as about ten other people i met also had relatives living there.

Spent a few days in KL. I went up the Petronas Towers which are the tallest twin towers in the world and were the tallest man-made structures in the world until Tapei 101 was built in Taiwan (which apparently is so heavy it has caused increased seismic activity – well done guys, that’s what you want when living in the tallest skyscraper in the world, instability in the surrounding rocks!).

Pic of the Petronas Towers – i love the islamic inspired design!


Fantastic views…kind of. Amazing to look down on all the other skyscrapers, roads and buildings, but it was not possible to see very far due to the smog.

My time in KL was also spent visiting the Batu Caves which are located just outside of the city and consist of a series of caves in a rock about the width of uluru and similar in that the rock rises steeply out of flat surroundings. the top is covered in a thick layer of vines and trees which hang down over the many openings and holes. In front of the main cave is a gigantic, gold statue. Very striking in contrast to the grey limestone rocks behind it and the hundreds of steps which lead up to the main cave. What a walk! The heat here is oppressive. It’s awfully humid. There is no point in having a shower as five minutes later sweat is dribbling down your brow again. You can tell who is a local and who is visiting the region simply because those who are not used to the heat walk around with a dazed, vacant expression, a constant frown and have their mouths slightly open as if trying to remember something from years ago. Trust me, its extreme.

The main cave was large with a high ceiling with bright shafts of light penetrating the darkness through gaps in the roof and falling onto little, pastel coloured Hindu shrines dotted in the corners. Lots of monkeys in the cave stealing food and drink from unsuspecting tourists (such as me) and having sex. Detracted somewhat from the air of mystique.

Pic of the Batu caves minus the gold statue:

That was KL. My first experience of Malaysia. It seems a country in a hurry to modernise. The last leader and his current successor have decreed that Malaysia should be a fully developed country by 2020 and, arguments about development theory and discourse aside i think it may achieve that. Malaysia is still a country of contrasts, small, traditional villages perched on hillsides in the middle of nowhere, with children running around naked, no sanitation, and the states influence minimal. However, KL (especially) has evidence of a particular Malaysian/Asian modernity around most street corners, the Petronas towers merely being the most obvious and least revealing example. Ideas current in much of Western media that portray muslims as pre-modern, or, at worst, anti-modern should cast their gaze here more often (or Dubai!).

Memorial of the week:
To Harriett the tortoise…the one i spoke of when i visited Brisbane. She died shortly after i saw her. I promise i did nothing – i know thats what you’re all thinking.

Done with the yellow brick road!

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

I’ve left the land of Oz. I had a blast! It was the right place to start my travels – the most expensive and the least taxing. The whole country seems designed for and by backpackers. I know of no other country where they cater so much towards ‘our kind’, a thought that was hammered home by a 10 foot advert for squeezable Vegemite with the tagline “Squeeze one into your backpack!”

Three things i will miss about Oz:

1) Learning about Aboriginal culture. As my masters thesis partly revolved around the subject of different cultures inhabiting the ‘international’ this was always bound to be high on my list.

2) The sheer amount of backpackers you meet! From every race, colour, creed and nationality. though there are an awful lot of Brits, Swedes and Canadians.

3) The ease of travelling. No language barrier, wel worn trails and generally a safe environment.

Three things i won’t miss about Oz:

1) Number one is undoubtedly the conservative and prejudicial nature of much of the population outside the large urban capital centres. Racism, homophobia, sexism are all endemic. This is not to argue Britain and other countries are not susceptible to such regressive tendencies, but in Britain, for better or worse these traits are not on the surface.
I could name numerous examples i encountered where people referred to aboriginal people as ‘darkies’, collectively disparaging them as thieves and asking me why i wanted to go into the centre of the country where “they are everywhere” as if some sort of plague. All this in crowded yet quiet areas. No one spoke up.

2) Paradoxicaly the ease of travelling in the country. Its nice to have a challenege now and again, be it having to communicate through ad hoc sign language (don’t ask how i’ve been asking where the toilet is – lets just say my thighs have been getting a workout with all the squats!) or deciphering how to get to a destination that involves enough changes that one needs a calculator to work out the equation.

3) The type of backpacker who will only eat steak and chips and treads all over a foreign culture like a rubbish filled drain. You all know the type 😉

So that was my Oz adventure. Stay tuned for Asian antics galore.

Uluru – “Climbing is not a proper part of this place”

Sunday, July 9th, 2006
Just what was i doing fully clothed, yet shivering, frozen bogeys/snot crisp around my nostrils? Auditioning for a remake of Titanic? Fortunately no. My acting is not what it once was; 'becoming' the priest in the school's rendition of Jonah-Man Jazz ... [Continue reading this entry]

Picture time: only a few random ones this time

Friday, July 7th, 2006

I promise to have some more mazing photos next time. It's hard when you are constantly on the move.

Love to all.

Cairns to Alice Springs

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

Instead of taking the usual option of flying the vast distances to Alice Springs which is dead in the centre of Australia i decided to join a trip with Desert Venturer. Its not a tour exactly, more like a road ... [Continue reading this entry]

Townsville, Magnetic Island and Cairns

Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
Townsville was my next stop after the Whitsundays. I hitched a lift with Becky and Lucy - who i had travelled with up to Byron Bay -  in their Wicked camper. These are an institution on the backpacking circuit; camper vans with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Peanut Butter, KitKat and Nostradamus

Friday, June 23rd, 2006
I've just been informed by a very reliable source (Lucy - best friend) of some dastardly developments back in England. Apparently since i have been away KitKat have launched a peanut butter version of their highly successful chocolate and wafer ... [Continue reading this entry]

Spank Me!

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006
Spank Me? No, not a diatribe on the relationship between sado-masochism and backpacker culture. Rather a post detailing my time sailing round the gorgeous Whitsunday islands.  With much excitement i climbed aboard my home for the next three days and three nights, a ... [Continue reading this entry]

A few grams heavier

Saturday, June 10th, 2006
Well, it was bound to happen sometime. The other day i woke up...slightly inebriated and decided to get a piercing. It's just below my lower lip and looks brill! I love it. Pictures to follow of course!

11 people, 1 4WD and a large sand island

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world and the only way to get around it is by a 4 wheel drive. So at 5.45am i woke up to meet my fellow companions in the bar, sort out groupings and organise ... [Continue reading this entry]