Cheap trans-atlantic flight – the follow-up

I survived the el cheapo Thomas Cook flight relatively intact. We left essentially on time. They did have the advertised leg room, and the seat-back screens – although the non-premium passengers had a very limited selection, and no one had control of starting or stopping the films as one does on the larger airlines.

The service on-board was slow. By the time they had slogged through the long non-premium cabin trying to sell us snacks and headphones, and then again trying to sell us alcohol and more snacks, it was a good three hours before they got the dinner handed out. My seat-mates and I were starving by the time it arrived. And then it was just barely two hours before they woke us up to try to serve us breakfast.

Also, my seat-mates reported they had paid the extra fee to book two aisle seats opposite each other, but hadn’t gotten them on either their flight out or their flight back. On the flight out, it was because an aircraft had been swapped out, but I believe on the flight back they were just given away. So it seems you have to check in early, even if you have reserved your seats, which is annoying.

Overall, I can’t say the experience was comfortable, but nor was it unreasonable. And for $240 including taxes (one-way) I can’t complain. I’m willing to fly with them again on the way home.

About kithika

The travel bug runs deep in my family, and I have definitely inherited my share. I had been to England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland and China before I was out of grade school. After university, I was lucky enough to land a job with a travelling theatre production, and spent three years with no fixed address, living and travelling through Western Europe, and two years after that living in London, England. I am now back in Ontario, Canada, living in a variety of small towns, working in theatre and television.
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