Tag Archives: white
30. Jan, 2011

Looks more like Christmas than Christmas

Snow in Calgary, January 30, 2011

Snow on the tree looks like a Christmas card. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 30, 2011.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The snow continued, though not all day and not as much. But for a little while today THE SUN CAME OUT and it was a beautiful sight.

I think I am getting cabin fever.

Will report on advancing hallucinations etc.

By the way, that lattice thing in front of the tree is almost 2 metres high. The snow is about (very approximately) 30 cm to 50 cm deep, depending where you stand. In other places, there’s almost none thanks to the shelter of the tree.

29. Jan, 2011

The big snowstorm of January 29, 2011

Snow, January 28, 2011, Calgary

Snow on a Calgary street. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 29, 2011.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The snow hit us in a calm and deliberate way. It has been falling steadily all day, but with next to no wind, and also nobody walking in it.

This is perfect, perfect snow. Light, fluffy, beautiful. I didn’t even mind shovelling it.

But a grey day.

In other news, the other day I saw the new LRT under construction near Crowchild. Massive! Want to get back and take some pictures. When the snow has stopped.

21. Jan, 2011

Thanks to all the people who have helped us

Friday, January 21, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Ouch. Pain struck my family and we needed help.

Thanks all round, to:

Central Mountain Air for such care in the sky and on the ground;

Colleagues from work for so much personal support when needed most;

Panther Sports Medicine (Bonaventure) for being so accommodating with a desperately-needed appointment;

All the emergency staff , volunteers, and behind-the-scenes support at Rockyview for doing what we depend upon you for, but seldom notice until it’s our turn.

My friends!

Not fun but much better than other health crises I’ve dealt with.

Thanks so very much.