20. Jan, 2011

Nervous about picking up an injured person from the airport, Calgary

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Weather: Grey again, but a lot warmer. Just above freezing, but not drippy.  Bit of a breeze.

Tonight, I’ll be making another trip to the airport, this time picking up.

The pickupee is in extreme pain, apparently, and unable to walk.

My job is to have a wheelchair ready, and get him from the baggage area to the vehicle.  Along with his baggage, which would be a problem, except I think there may be someone travelling with him who can help.  Mainly I have to find a wheelchair and also try and park in a reasonably convenient spot.

Assuming I do get a wheelchair (and I don’t really have a choice, I must find one), the only real problem I foresee is that the ride from the terminal to the car could be painful because it’s bumpy.  I may try and get parking on the plus-15 level to reduce the bumps, will see what’s available when I get there.

So that’s tonight’s entertainment.

Oh, and we have to put the garbage out.