Tag Archives: driving
18. Feb, 2011

Another TGIF but a little better this week

Another TGIF but a little better this week

Friday, February 18, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Not as exhausted this week, because we took things more slowly. I don’t mean ridiculously so, just a more pleasant pace.

I’ll put in some pics I’ve taken since the beginning of the year.

Christmas tree after Christmas is over. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 2, 2011.

Driving south on Deerfoot from the airport. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

View of downtown seen from Deerfoot heading south. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

12. Feb, 2011

The mud! The car! The car wash!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Here is a typical winter scenario in Calgary.
Snow. Thaw. Snow. Thaw. Snow. Thaw.
When the thaw comes, the snow melts, of course.
This creates two things: the risk of ice on sidewalks and other dangerous places as soon as the melted snow, now water, freezes again; and dirty cars.
The slush and water from the melted snow mix with whatever dirt is lying around to create thin mud soup. This is just the right viscosity for car tires to spray around, and so all the cars out on the road get coated with brown mud.
The weekend can be a very popular time to go to the car wash and rinse it off.
Surprisingly, when we went today, there was absolutely no line-up. Yay, it was done in 10 minutes and feels so much better now.

06. Feb, 2011

Where steak comes from

Cattle liner
enclosed trailer for hauling cattle: silver with holes for ventilation

Cattle liner. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, February 4, 2011.

siler panel with holes cut out, the eye of a cow looking out from the dark

Cattle liner, close up. Photo by Jill Browne, February 4, 2011.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Took these pictures on Friday, driving down Blackfoot Trail.

I thought this cattle liner was empty because I couldn’t smell it and couldn’t hear any cattle. When I looked harder, I saw fur and then one cow looking out at me. All I could really make out, since it’s dark inside the trailer, was the cow’s eye.

In this picture, the eye actually looks sort of tame, but in real life it had that alarmed look cows get when anything upsets their ruminations.

It was a horrible moment, me thinking about how I happily eat beef (and enjoy it), while looking into the face of a helpless animal.

05. Feb, 2011

Grey sky. Looks more depressing than it is.

Winter sky on a snow day
foreground a dirty looking empty parking lot with snow; orange front of a big box hardware store in distance

A big hardware store and parking lot, Shawnessy, Calgary. Photo by Jill Browne, February 5, 2011.

big bright sunburst flare caused by camera, grey sky, shopping centre parking lot, empty shopping cart, dirty snow, grey winter day

Grey sky with snow lightly falling, Shawnessy, Calgary. Photo by Jill Browne, February 5, 2011.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A colder day with light snow falling and a very grey sky. The camera flare exaggerates the sun; really it was just a dull yellow hole in an even duller sky.

I didn’t mean these pics to be depressing but they really don’t have much life to them!

We had to go out foraging for food and office supplies, thus ending up at this mall in Shawnessy. The mall is at MacLeod Trail and Highway 22X, but there is a lot more of Calgary even south of there. If you haven’t been here for a while you may be surprised at how much the city has expanded. This is the last shopping I can think of this far south on MacLeoad, though.

02. Feb, 2011

Our C-Train is going up into the air. Discuss.

Pumphouse Theatre sign

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Today is Groundhog Day. We haven’t got groundhogs and I’ve never heard of Prairie Dog Day, so nothing to report on the rodent meteorology front.

Another bright sunny day, even warmer than yesterday. Up to about 5 above zero, I think. Celsius.

The pictures I took yesterday of the new LRT and the downtown skyline show something of how parts of Calgary are getting high off the ground.

I remember being quite charmed the first time I encountered a quiet European tram at ground level. It was in Bremen, Germany. More recently, I had the horrible experience of driving in Toronto on the elevated expressway (not for the first time, it was just a particularly yucky ride). There is something so unbecomingly dominant about a road that puts cars above people, literally.

I like the new Vancouver rail line from the airport to downtown, and it’s elevated.

So, what’s the difference between the elevated car experience and the train experience? It must be the feeling of being about to be killed by other drivers that ruins the whole car thing for me. I feel safe in the train. I’m looking forward to riding the new C-Train when it’s ready.

27. Jan, 2011

Driving all over town. Yuck.

Driving on Deerfoot with a dirty windshield
view of highway from inside a car with a dirty windshield

Coming into Calgary from the north on Highway 2, aka Deerfoot Trail. Photo: by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Weather, like in the picture, but a little warmer. Things are melting.

Today I drove 100 km just in town and had no fun doing it.

9:30 appointment in the NW, no problem on Crowchild

Two more appointments close to home

6:30 (evening) back to the NW, this time Crowchild northbound was backed up horribly from about 37th Ave. SW and it took 30 minutes at least for what should be a 5-minute stretch of the trip. This had something to do with the new LRT being built, but I’m not sure what exactly. Going home later at night we went a different way, no problems.

The windshield is dirty like in this picture. Must get to the car wash.

Oh, and I was really disgusted by the discourteous drivers on that northbound trip in the evening. It’s beyond rudeness. People aggressively race forward to prevent others from making lane changes. I saw it done and I had it done to me.

I avoid rush hour driving for a reason. These jerks cause accidents. I hope they pay triple my insurance rates.