Some pictures from February in Calgary

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Pictures from the past week or so.
There was more snow, though today a lot of it is gone, melted, lost.
We went over to the local arena. There’s something about arenas that makes people want to hang things from the ceiling.
I put my hat (toque) and mitts on the table and thought, maybe for posterity I should snap their picture.
On Wednesday, I went to a restaurant on Edmonton Trail called Over Easy, liked it. Here’s what I et and what the restaurant looked like.
Another day, I was down south doing some errands and saw some men working on the sign in front of a shopping centre. Not the job for me. Don’t like heights much.
That was during the week. Then on the weekend I had to do another little errand at South Centre. (Seems like the week before everything was at Market Mall, in the north.)
When I came out of South Centre, the parking lot was empty, the moon was shining, and the sky was a beautiful evening shade of blue.