Sun’s out! Calgary’s best blue sky. Picture: Chinatown.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The best thing about living in southern Alberta might just be that beautiful blue sky. Had it back again today. The temp was about -10 at mid-day. Perfect.
Took the dogs for a walk and chipped some hard snow off the sidewalk. Still have more to do but it’s not dangerous as is.
Warm enough for dog walking. Picture of Harry Hays Building, Calgary.

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I took the dogs out for a walk, since it was sunny and not nearly as cold as it’s been this week. Only about -10 C.
This picture from about two weeks ago shows the east side of the Harry Hays Building on 4th Avenue SE, right downtown. Many people know it as the place you go for passports, though in recent years there has been a more convenient office in the deep south. (More convenient for anyone who doesn’t have to go downtown and isn’t in the far north end of the city. Free parking.)
I remember going there for tax stuff once upon a time, and also I think I had a job interview in there where they fingerprinted me. When I asked if they would destroy the finger prints if I didn’t get the job, I was met with stares of complete incomprehension. Who knows, maybe I’m on file. That must be what’s been curbing my criminal tendencies lo these many years.
The Harry Hays is one of the few office buildings at the east end of downtown. Very convenient for Chinese food.
Flying to Ontario and driving to Guelph
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Away: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
My first trip of the year!
Guilt: flying so far for such a short trip.
Guilt: leaving home when I really shouldn’t.
OK, that’s over with.
The in-plane experience was OK, crowded but OK. Usually I’m lucky and get on flights that are less than full, but this one wasn’t.
I can’t report any big travel experiences from today. I got safely from A to B and when I got to B, I went to bed!
I’d love to regale you with tales of Guelph, which is really a beautiful and historic city, but that will be a story, or many stories, for other days.
Packing to go away
I saw a cougar in town once
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
As the city limits expand, there are more opportunities for humans to move into the territory of the native wildlife.
A couple of years ago I was driving around to the southwest of town and saw a cougar up close and personal. It was chasing a coyote.
The cougar had an exaggerated jutting jaw, just like the Pink Panther.
It was also much more of an orange colour than I expected. In the zoo and in photos, cougars always looked tawny to me, more golden than orange.
The truly orange animal is the fox, though.
On another day, on that same road, I sat in my car and watched a curious, beautiful fox for ten minutes. They really are gorgeous creatures.
Weather sayings for March
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
At the beginning of February, we look for the groundhog to foretell the winter and spring dividing line.
If that doesn’t work, we watch the first of March. “In like a lion, out like a lamb.”
I actually think that’s it, that’s the whole saying.
But, in grade school when we were little kids, we would treat it as a prophesy.
“In like a lion, therefore, out like a lamb.
In like a lamb, therefore, out like a lion.”
The thing is, at the end of the month we would be too distracted by the thrill of April Fool’s Day to remember to watch the weather.
Car servicing blues
I’d rather have to heat my home than cool it
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Cold. Have I mentioned that before?
But for cold weather, you can put on more clothes and stay inside. When it’s too hot, you can’t get away as easily. The shopping centers and office buildings have air conditioning, and some people have it in their homes, but not many. I hope it never becomes necessary.
Breakfast at Pfanntastic Pannekoek Haus and more Calgary pictures from yesterday

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Here are more of the pics I took yesterday while driving around, mainly from the south to downtown and back.
Today’s highlight was breakfast at Pfanntastic Pannekoek Haus, a Dutch pancake house on Crowchild Trail just south of 50th Avenue SW. You can get to it from northbound Crowchild, but if you are southbound, take the 50th Ave exit and head left (east), and work your way south a couple of blocks. Easy.
Mine was bacon, raisins, apple. Suzanne had brown sugar and lemon juice. Our mystery guest had the same as I did. All enjoyed the meal.
This is a Calgary classic and always reliable for a tasty and filling mid-day or even evening meal. The pancakes are giant crepes that lie flat on the plate. You get one, with your choice of 80 topping selections (including some combos). Very tasty. One is a meal.
Yesterday’s driving pics.