10. Mar, 2011

Some people are planting tomatoes and sniffing daffodils

Thursday, March 10, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Maybe I just need to stop being friends with people on the west coast. One has already got heirloom tomato plants sprouting in her outdoor greenhouse. Another is blogging about daffodils and such like. We aren’t.

09. Mar, 2011

Breakfast at Primal Grounds, Calgary SW

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Primal Grounds, 3003 – 37 Street SW Looks like it might have started life as a Dairy Queen. Run by a lady who makes soup and sells it at the Kingsland Farmers’ Market. We didn’t want soup, we wanted breakfast, and we weren’t disappointed. The choice was […]

08. Mar, 2011

Calgary things I don’t do enough: skating

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada We have the opportunity for great outdoor skating here, and indoors too. My favorites: Bowness Park for outdoors. You get on the lagoon and just go, it’s wide open, and there’s the pleasant smell of woodsmoke when they have the warming fires going. Olympic Oval for indoors. […]

07. Mar, 2011

Monday. Is there any way to improve you? Picture: Centre Street, Calgary

Calgary traffic lights

Monday, March 7, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada I don’t even have to drive to work and I still hate Mondays.

06. Mar, 2011

Sun’s out! Calgary’s best blue sky. Picture: Chinatown.

Chinatown, Calgary

Sunday, March 6, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada The best thing about living in southern Alberta might just be that beautiful blue sky. Had it back again today. The temp was about -10 at mid-day. Perfect. Took the dogs for a walk and chipped some hard snow off the sidewalk. Still have more to do […]

05. Mar, 2011

Warm enough for dog walking. Picture of Harry Hays Building, Calgary.

The Harry Hays Building, Downtown Calgary

Saturday, March 5, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada I took the dogs out for a walk, since it was sunny and not nearly as cold as it’s been this week. Only about -10 C. This picture from about two weeks ago shows the east side of the Harry Hays Building on 4th Avenue SE, right […]

04. Mar, 2011

The answer to Where Am I

The Answer is: Owen Sound, Ontario Clue #1: Billy Bishop, Canadian World War One Flying Ace, was born and raised here. The Billy Bishop Regional Airport is named after him, and the family home is now the Billy Bishop Home and Museum. Clue #2 said you can jump in the lake. Owen Sound is the […]

04. Mar, 2011

The final clue was So Easy!

From yesterday’s Where Am I quiz, the fifth and final question was: Where am I? Your final clue (should be pretty obvious by now): Everyone likes the sound of this place so much they want to own it. That is a giveaway! Answer and explanation of the clues in the next post. Have you figured […]

04. Mar, 2011

Prohibition wasn’t just in the 1930s

Yesterday’s Where Am I clue number four was: Where am I? Used to be pretty hard to get a drink around here. This town was dry from 1917 until 1961. Have you figured it out yet? One more clue and then the answer in the next two posts.

04. Mar, 2011

Where am I? The third clue was the Big Canoe

Clue Number Three from yesterday: Have you figured out where I am yet? The third clue: This is where you can see the Big Canoe in winter. The name of the Big Canoe in Ojibwa is Chi-Cheemaun.