Breakfast at Primal Grounds, Calgary SW
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Primal Grounds, 3003 – 37 Street SW Looks like it might have started life as a Dairy Queen. Run by a lady who makes soup and sells it at the Kingsland Farmers’ Market. We didn’t want soup, we wanted breakfast, and we weren’t disappointed. The choice was […]
Calgary things I don’t do enough: skating
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada We have the opportunity for great outdoor skating here, and indoors too. My favorites: Bowness Park for outdoors. You get on the lagoon and just go, it’s wide open, and there’s the pleasant smell of woodsmoke when they have the warming fires going. Olympic Oval for indoors. […]
Sun’s out! Calgary’s best blue sky. Picture: Chinatown.

Sunday, March 6, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada The best thing about living in southern Alberta might just be that beautiful blue sky. Had it back again today. The temp was about -10 at mid-day. Perfect. Took the dogs for a walk and chipped some hard snow off the sidewalk. Still have more to do […]