Jan 15

Shame at the Calgary airport: 82-year-old lady badly treated by security

by in Postcard from home

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Weather:  Cold.  The same cold as yesterday, but no snow today. Yesterday we had enough to have to shovel.  It’s still a dry cold.  And no sun, what’s that all about?

This is one of those stories I don’t like telling, because it reflects poorly on my city.

Yesterday on the afternoon news, I heard that an 82-year-old lady with a gel-filled prosthetic breast had been humiliated by the security screeners at our airport.  She didn’t say she was carrying more than the allowed amount of liquids and gels, never thinking the prosthetic would count.  Result?  Public humiliation.

What made me even more sad about the story was that the lady was so upset she said she was done with travelling.

To the lady and her family, I would like to say, please don’t let this bad experience keep you from enjoying travel again.  As a resident, I am very sorry to hear of this whole incident, and I trust the authorities are making sure it won’t happen again.

I was at the airport last night to pick someone up.  Couldn’t help but wonder, as I passed the occasional security person in the terminal, “Are you the one?”, and that is really unfair to them.  It only takes one jerk to give everybody a bad name.

Airport security apologizes to B.C. woman, 82“, from CBC.ca

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