Feb 06

Where steak comes from

by in Postcard from home

enclosed trailer for hauling cattle: silver with holes for ventilation

Cattle liner. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, February 4, 2011.

siler panel with holes cut out, the eye of a cow looking out from the dark

Cattle liner, close up. Photo by Jill Browne, February 4, 2011.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Took these pictures on Friday, driving down Blackfoot Trail.

I thought this cattle liner was empty because I couldn’t smell it and couldn’t hear any cattle. When I looked harder, I saw fur and then one cow looking out at me. All I could really make out, since it’s dark inside the trailer, was the cow’s eye.

In this picture, the eye actually looks sort of tame, but in real life it had that alarmed look cows get when anything upsets their ruminations.

It was a horrible moment, me thinking about how I happily eat beef (and enjoy it), while looking into the face of a helpless animal.

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