Friday, January 28, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Yeah, I go for coffee a lot. It’s my main social outlet. I rarely go out at night (too lazy), like to watch movies at home on NetFlix instead of going to the theatre, hate shopping, do like eating at restaurants, but the thing I do most is go for coffee.
So I know who goes to what coffee shops and when.
One of my regular spots has had a bit of a change in the regulars over the last ten years or so (hard to believe it’s been that long, but it has). Still, I see more men in there than women, at least, I see the same men more often than I see the same women.
The current crop are semi-retired guys. Earlier regulars include one very scared and nervous guy, and one stern looking guy who is actually very friendly and kind (gives his seat to a pregnant lady, that sort of thing).
The only woman regular (besides me) is a lady I haven’t seen for a while, and I think that’s for a good reason. She used to come in during her recovery from what must have been a horrid car accident. I hope she’s back at work now.
And for a while there was the nurse from abroad studying to get her Canadian credentials. I hope she made it and is working too. She seemed like the sort of caring person I would like to have should I ever need a nurse.
It’s just a daily human drama out there in Cow Town.