Jan 24

Beware the ice, where to get free True Grit

by in Postcard from home

Monday, January 24, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Overcast and drippy today, just above freezing

Slipped on my own driveway, didn’t fall.

Slipped on my friend’s driveway, didn’t fall.

Decided before it’s too late I should fix the problem.

Stuck my handy trowel into my handy pail of grit and sprinkled the icy areas liberally. (Well, not at my friend’s house. She has to get her own grit.)

Grit is what passes for sand here in Calgary. Instead of sanding the highway, they use grit, which is a treat to the windshield of a vehicle.

But it does the job.

The free grit comes from a pile at the local fire station. It’s there for citizens to use.

Now you know.

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