we all headed to varanassi station late at night to catch the over night train to delhi armed with all our luggage and after a hour long rickshaw drive we arived at the station. checking the time and tickets etc we realised we had plenty time so had the normal chai here.
look dad more pics of trains!!
href=”” title=”Photo Sharing”>The train turned up with ‘delhi’ written on the side so we jumped on, after pushing our way through a packed train and finding our seats we discovered that it was actually the wrong train. every one was telling us to hurry to get of the train , i was thinking they were being quite rude ….untill i looked out of the window and realised the train had started going. we all tried to get up the aisle as quickly as possible but my bag got caught so the other two jumped of the train and i was stuck we managed to un tangle it at last so i had to do a flying leap out of a bloody fast train. landed at a indian familly feet roling along the platform but was basically unhurt. after this we realised our train was an hour late so got on that on fine and headed up to delhi.
8 hours late on the train we arived into delhi about 3.15 in the afternoon and headed straight for somewhere to stay. the travellers area called paharganj had been described to me as indias version of kho san road i wa taken back it looked identicall and was even more crowded hectic and full of people trying to sell you things.
spent the days just wandering round and me and sarah trying to get rid of nasty colds so havent been that active have been trying to sort out train tickets etc. went to sarahs aunty’s house for dinner the other night, it was fantastic a bit of home comforts in all the craziness. meet her mums best friends and im actually back at her house now staying there tonight.
went to see a bolywood film last night. it was fantastic you couldnt understand cause it was all in hindi but you understood the film completly it was awicked film and good to see a proper ‘bollywood’ film.
we leave to go to the mountains tommorow and sit in hot springs to try and get rid of this cold.
sorry for the short update but i feel like shit!!<
Tags: Travel
Get well soon babe! xxx
miss you jenna bum when you coing home??? moved into my office yesterday woo woo come ion!!!